

英漢字典: in the dark

1. with no light黑暗

    Don't leave the child alone in the dark;he'll be afraid. 不要把孩子單獨留在黑暗中,他會害怕的。

    I hit my head against the door in the dark. 黑暗中我的頭撞在了門上。

2. in ignorance不知道;隱瞞

    John was in the dark about the job he was being sent to. 約翰對于指派他做的工作一無所知。

    Tax payers don't like being kept in the dark about the government's intentions. 納稅人不希望對政府的打算一無所知。

    I am still kept in the dark about the matter. 對這事我仍然一無所知。

    It is not necessary to keep it in the dark. 這件事沒有必要保密。

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