

英漢字典: keep back

1. prevent from coming阻止

    Police horses were used to keep back the crowd. 警馬被用來阻擋人群。

    Dykes keep back the floodwater. 堤坎攔住洪水。

    The police tried in vain to keep back the protesting crowds who were rushing towards the government building. 警察企圖擋住衝向政府大廈的抗議人群,但未能成功。

2. control;hold back 控制

    Jim was able to keep back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆能抑制住自己的憤怒,從而避免了一場毆鬥。

    In vain I tried to keep back my tears. 我怎麼也忍不住我的眼淚。

3. delay 延遲

    I am sorry we were late;we started in good time,but heavy rain on the road kept us back. 對不起,我們來晚了。我們雖然準點起程,可一路上大雨耽擱了我們趕路。

4. not tell;conceal 隱瞞

    We must not keep back anything we know. 不應該隱瞞我們所知道的事。

    He is keeping something back from us. 他對我們有所隱瞞。

    I'll keep back nothing from you. 我對你一切都不隱瞞。

    The doctor recommended that the exact nature of the woman's illness should be kept back from her. 醫生建議不要讓那個婦女知道她所患疾病的確切性質。

5. withhold 扣留

    National Insurance keeps bacek 5%of my wages. 國家保險公司扣除我工資的5%。

    They are keeping back the names of the victims. 他們扣壓著受害者的名單。

6. reserve;save 保留;留出

    The factory keeps back some money every year for welfare purposes. 這個工廠每年留出一部分錢用于福利事業。

7. hinder 妨礙

    I don't want to keep you back from your work. 我不想妨礙你的工作。

    I hope I'm not keeping you back. 我希望沒有妨礙你。

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