1. stay alive through;survive;last through;endure to the end of 活過(一段時期);保持壽命;忍受到最後
He lived out the earthquake,but his house was completely destroyed. 他雖然經歷地震而活過來了,但他的房子徹底完了。
The patient lived out another month. 病人又活了一個月。
I doubt if she'll live out the winter. 我懷疑她是否能熬過這個冬天。
2. live outside a place of work or institution在所在單位外寄宿My servant lives out. 我家的傭人不住在我家。
3. finish(a period of time); spend 完成(一段時間);消磨時間
After retiring,John and his wife lived out their lives in Florida. 退休後,約翰和他太太在佛羅裡達度過餘生。