

英漢字典: on hand

1. nearby;within reach附近;在手頭

    Do you happen to have any aspirin on hand?I seem to be getting a headache. 你身邊有阿斯匹林嗎?我似乎頭痛。

    Alwaya have your dictionary on hand when you study. 學習時要隨時將詞典放在手邊。

2. present出席;在場

    You'd better wait here so you'll be on hand when you're needed. 你最好在這兒等著,以便需要你的時候你在場。

    Mr. Baker's secretary is always on hand when he appears in public. 貝克先生出現在公眾面前時,他的秘書總是在場。

3. in stock;available現有(存貨)

    We have some new woollen goods on hand. 我們現有一些新羊毛織品。

    The department store has a large stock of goods on hand. 這家百貨商店現有大量存貨。

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