

英漢字典: on the run

1. active; moving活動

    With three young children to take care of, she is kept on the run every minute of the day. 她每分鐘都在忙,因為她要照看3個孩子。

    They have been on the run getting ready for the performance. 他們一直在為準備演出而四處奔波。

    We are so busy at the office that we generally have to eat our lunch on the run. 我們在辦公室非常忙,常常一面工作一面吃午飯。

2. in flight; running away逃走

    The reports say that the rebels are on the run. 有報道說,叛亂者正在潰逃。

    Four men broke out of gaol last night. Three were caught, but one is still on the run. 昨晚有4個人越獄,其中3人被逮住,但一人還在逃亡之中。

    He is on the run from the police. 他正在逃避警察的追捕。

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