

英漢字典: pass by

1. go past走過

    He passed by without greeting me. 他經過我面前時沒打招呼。

    A bus passed by just a moment aso. 一輛公共汽車剛開過去。

2. (time)elapse :(chance or opportunity)slip by(時間)過去;(機會)錯過

    The patient grew steadily better as the days passed by. 一天天過去了,病人逐漸好轉起來。

3. overlook; ignore忽略

    We'll pass that matter by for the moment. 我們暫時不去考慮那件事。

    In making the selection we passed this short piece by quite inadvertently. 在挑選時我們完全由于疏忽而漏過了這篇短文。

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