

英漢字典: pass off

1. pretend假裝

    He passed himself off as a doctor until someone checked his record. 在人們查閱他的檔案之前,他一直偽裝成醫生。

    They resorted to the trick of passing off fisheyes as pearls. 他們使用了魚目混珠的伎倆。

2. disappear 消失

    Mrs. White's headache had passed off by that night. 懷特太太到了夜裡頭痛便消失了。

    A few minutes after we started,the fog began to pass off. 我們動身後幾分鐘,霧就開始散去。

3. reach an end;last through to completion;take place完成;舉行

    The party passed off well. 聚會開得很成功。The organisers were pleased that the demonstration passed off without any police arrests. 組織者們很高興警察沒有在這次遊行中抓人。

4. ignore;treat as unimportant忽視;把…看作無關緊要

    She hated his familiarity,but passed it off as a joke. 她討厭他那種親暱的態度,但一笑置之。

    His rude remark was passed off by the host. 主人並沒有把他的粗魯的話放在心上。

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