

英漢字典: pass on

1. hand…on傳授;傳遞

    He was a simple man, content to pass on his learning to new generations. 他是一位純樸的人,以傳授學問給後輩為滿足。

    Please read this notice and pass it on to others. 通知看後請傳給其他人。

2. die死

    He passed on quietly at his home last night. 昨天他在寓所安詳地死去。

3. move on; go on繼續下去;前進

    I have said enough o this subject,now let me pass on. 關于這個問題,我已經談了不少,現在我接著談下面的問題。

    Time passed on like an arrow. 光陰似箭。

4. give an opinion about;judge提議;審核

    The jury will pass on the case next week. 陪審團將在下星期對這個案件作出裁決。

    Will you pass on the authenticity of this painting?請你鑑定一下這幅畫是不是真的?

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