

英漢字典: pitch into

1. work hard at投身于

    She pitched into the work and had the house cleaned up by noon. 她拼命地幹,到中午前後便把房子打掃幹淨了。

2. attack with blows or words大罵;攻擊

    The boys had to be separated once they had pitched into each other. 男孩子們一旦打架就得把他們分開。

    He pitched into the idea of raising taxes. 他對增加稅收的建議大肆攻擊。

3. begin to eat heartily開始大吃

    After walking on the hills all day,they could hardly wait to pitch into their dinner. 在山上走了一整天後,他們等不及地大吃了起來。

    The children pitched into the meal as though they hadn't eaten any thing for days. 孩子們開始大吃起來,好象幾天沒有吃東西似的。

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