

英漢字典: ring in

1. bring in sb. or sth. from the outside dishonestly or without telling;often hire and introduce under a false name以不正當的手段引進;雇用或介紹冒名頂替的人

    No wonder their team beat us;they rang in a professional to pitch for them under the name of Dan Smith. 難怪他們隊打敗了我們,他們雇用了一個冒名丹?史密斯的職業投手替他們投球。

    They will surely try to ring in an unqualified delegate. 他們肯定想塞進一名不合格的代表進來。

2. come or participate without being invited不請自來

    Nobody invited him,but he works in our office and somehow managed to ring in on our party. 他在我們辦公室工作,但誰也沒有邀請他,不知怎麼的來參加我們的晚會了。

3. ring a special clock that records the time one begins to work 撳考勤鐘記錄上班的時間

    We have to ring in at the shop before eight o'clock in the morning. 我們必須在早上 8點前撳考勤鐘記下自己到店裡的上班時間。

4. usher in by ringing 鳴鐘迎來

    The Scots like to ring in the New Year. 蘇格蘭人喜歡鳴鐘迎新年。

    ring off end a telephone conversation掛斷電話

    I'd better ring off nowDthe baby is crying. 我現在得掛電話了,孩子在哭。

    I'll have to ring off now but I'll ring you back tomorrow. 我要掛電話了,我明天再給你去電話。

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