

英漢字典: ring out

1. ring a special clock that records the time you leave work 撳考勤鐘記錄下班的時間

    Charles can't leave early in his new job; he has to ring out. 查爾斯在新的工作崗位上不能早退,因為他要撳考勤鐘記錄他下班的時間。

2. usher or lead out by ringing鳴鐘送出

    Firecrackers rang the Old Year out and the New Year in. 爆竹聲送走了舊歲,迎來了新年。

    Ring out the old, ring in the new!送舊迎新!

3. sound out loud and clear發出響亮、清晰的響聲

    Cheers rang out from the assembly hall. 大禮堂裡響起了歡呼聲。

    His voice rings out across the whole school. 他的聲音響徹整個學校。

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