

英漢字典: rule out

1. declare the impossibility of; exclude 排除;表示不可能;不把…考慮在內

    We can not rule out the possibility that he'll come after all. 我們不排除他最終會來的可能性。

    Anyone who has entered for the same competition before is ruled out according to the regulations. 凡以前參加過同樣比賽的人,按照規則均不得參加。

    The doctor took Xrays to rule out the chance of broken bones. 醫生拍了X光片,以排除骨折的可能性。

    That idea can be completely ruled out. 那種想法可以完全排除。

2. not allow ;decide against; prevent不允許;反對;阻止

    The principal ruled out dances on week days. 校長不允許在週末以外的時間跳舞。

    A sudden storm ruled out the boat race. 突然來的暴風雨使劃船比賽無法進行了。

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