

英漢字典: run on

1. continue 繼續

    The war could run on for another year yet. 這場戰爭有可能還要延續一年。

    This disease can run on for months. 這種病可以拖好幾個月。

2. talk without pause不停地交談

    The old man ran on for hours about his childhood. 那位老人連續幾小時講述他的童年。

    He kept running on and on,telling me the same story over and over again. 他喋喋不休地反復向我講那個同樣的故事。

3. involve; touch; dwell on關于;涉及;老是想著

    Our talks ran on current political news. 我們的談話涉及到當前的政治新聞。

    His mind ran on his own troubles. 他老在想自己的煩惱事。

4. press with Jokes or ridicule;abuse with sarcasm 諷刺;嘲諷

    It shows an ungenerous and unfeeling disposition to run on those who are in an inferior or dependent position. 諷刺挖苦下級人員是一種不大方、無同情心的表現。

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