

英漢字典: run up to

1. amount to總額達到

    The bill for the repairs might run up to £300. 修理費可能會多達300 英鎊。

2. come near to as by running跑近

    The child ran up to the teacher to show her his drawing. 這個孩子跑到老師身邊,讓她觀看他的畫。

    run wild get out of control 失去控制;胡鬧The new teacher lets the children run wild. 這位新教師聽任孩子們胡鬧。

    Prices were running wild all over the country. 全國物價普遍在上漲。

    rush at run towards so as to attack向…衝去;撲向…

    He rushed at his enemy with a drawn sword. 他拔出刺刀,向敵人衝去。

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