

英漢字典: take up

1. allow( passengers, etc. ) to mount; stop and accept停車接納乘客

    The cars took their passengers up outside the hotel. 那些汽車在旅館外面接納乘客。

    The bus stopped to take up passengers. 公共汽車停下來讓乘客上車。

    The train stops here to take up more passengers,and then goes fast all the way to London. 火車在這裡停下來,再讓一些乘客上車,然後就直抵倫敦。

2. occupy(time, space, etc. )佔有(時間,空間等)

    This work will take up a lot of my time. 這項工作將佔去我很多時間。

    I must get rid of this large table;it takes up too much room. 我得把這個大桌子拿走,它太佔地方。I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your valuable time. 佔用了你那麼多寶貴時間,真抱歉。

3. continue; resume繼續做;接著…講

    I put the telephone down and took up the work again. 我放下電話繼續工作。

    She took up her sewing after the visitor had gone. 客人走後她繼續做她的針線活。

4. assume(a position, office, atti tude,etc. )擔任;承擔(職位);採取態度

    When does the new director take up his post? 新的主任什麼時候走馬上任?

    He will take up his new post on October 1. 他將在10月1日就任新職。

    The new president took up office yesterday. 新總統昨天就職。

    A most aggressive attitude was taken up by the next speaker. 第 2個發言人採取了非常放肆的態度。

5. adopt sth. as a profession, hobby, subject for study, etc. 從事某種職業;對某事有愛好;從事一項研究或學習

    When he left school he took up journalism. 離開學校以後,他就從事了新聞工作。

    Rich people can afford to take up whatever hobbies they like. 富人有能力從事他們所喜歡的任何愛好。

    I think I'll take up oil pointing in my spare time. 我想我將要在業餘時間練習油畫。

    The scientist has taken up a new subject. 這位科學家已開始研究一個新的課題。

6. pull and make tight or shorter;shorten縮緊;減短

    The tailor took up the legs of the trousers. 裁縫把褲子改短了。

7. gather in(a contribution,etc.); collect募捐;收集(錢等)

    The girls will take up a collection at the end of the concert. 這些女孩子在音樂會結束後要募捐。

    All the tickets were taken up at the exit. 所有的車票都在出口處被收去了。

8. take away; lift up; raise拿走;拿起;舉起

    The driver has had his license taken up for violating traffic regulations. 因為違反交通規則,那個駕駛員的執照被吊銷了。

    He took up the telephone receiver and asked a number. 他拿起電話詢問一個電話號碼。

9. remove by taking in把…吸進去;溶解

    This kind of paper claims to be able to take up more liquid than any other kind. 這種紙據說比其它任何紙吸水性都強。

    The vacuum cleaner took up the dirt from the rug. 吸塵器把地毯上的灰塵吸掉了。

    10. raise consideration of提出商討;提出考慮

    They decided to take the matter up at the plenary meeting. 他們決定在全會上把這件事提出來。

    The question of public housing should be taken up with the Minister whose responsibility it is. 公眾的住房問題應該提交負責這項工作的部長考慮。

    He said he would take up my difficulties with the headmaster. 他說要把我的問題提出來和校長商量解決。

    The matter will be taken up at the next Party branch meeting. 下一次黨支部會議將著手處理此事。

11. arrest逮捕

    The police took him up on a drugs charge. 警察以吸毒的罪名逮捕了他。

    Within two hours the arsonist was taken up by the police. 縱火犯在兩小時內就被警察抓住了。

12. establish oneself in在…安居下來

    He took up his permanent residence in Beijing after graduation. 他畢業後在北京定居下來。

13. interrupt by dissent; interrupt andcorrect;rebuke;reprimand (為表示異議等)打斷(某人的話);打斷並更正;指責;責備

    He took me up short on that point. 我講到那個問題時他突然打斷了我的話。

    She said something very absurd and we immediately took her up.她說了些非常荒謬的話,我們立即打斷了她的話。

14. understand理解

    Please don't take me up wrongly.請別誤解我的意思。

15. adopt sb. as a protege提攜;把…當作被保護人;幫助

    Though a busy and successful nowelist, he was willing to take up any promising young writer and give him all the help he could. 雖然他是一個很忙而又很有成就的小說家,但他願意提攜任何有前途的青年作家並給予一切可能的幫助。

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