

英日字典: jumpstart

The jumpstart has 3 Senses.

  • jump-start, jumpstart
  • starting an automobile engine that has a weak battery by means of jumper cables to another car; "my battery was dead so I had to get a jumpstart from my neighbor"
  • 別の車のブースターケーブルを用いて、消耗したバッテリーを持つ自動車エンジンを始動させること

  • jumpstart, jump, jump-start
  • start (a car engine whose battery is dead) by connecting it to another car's battery
  • 別の車のバッテリーに接続することによって、(バッテリーが切れた車のエンジンを)スタートさせる

  • jumpstart, jump-start
  • start or re-start vigorously; "The Secretary of State intends to jumpstart the Middle East Peace Process"
  • 活発にはじめるあるいは再度はじめる

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