英日字典: すべすべ
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- smooth
- 坦々たる, 滑こい, フラット, 平ら, なだらか, 滑やか, 平滑, すべすべ, なめらか, 木目細, 滑々, 滑か, 滑滑, 滑っこい, 木目細か, 平たい, 平らか, 肌理細か, 滑らか, 坦坦たる, 潤滑, 肌理細
- having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities; "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror"
- 粗さ、隆起、うねまたは不連続性のない表面を持つ
- velvet, velvety
- すべすべ
- resembling velvet in having a smooth soft surface
- なめらかな表面を持つベルベットに似た
- even
- 平坦, 坦々たる, フラット, 平ら, 平滑, すべすべ, 平ったい, 滑っこい, 平たん, 平面的, 平たい, 平らか, 水平, 坦坦たる
- being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"
- 例えば、形またはテクスチャーのように変化を伴わず水平である、直線であるあるいは規則的であるさま
- silky, silklike, slick, satiny, sleek, silken
- すべすべ, 滑々, 滑滑, シルキー, 滑っこい
- having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light; "glossy auburn hair"; "satiny gardenia petals"; "sleek black fur"; "silken eyelashes"; "silky skin"; "a silklike fabric"; "slick seals and otters"
- 滑らかで、輝いている表面の反射光線を持つさま
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