英日字典: 肌理細か
3 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- smooth
- 坦々たる, 滑こい, フラット, 平ら, なだらか, 滑やか, 平滑, すべすべ, なめらか, 木目細, 滑々, 滑か, 滑滑, 滑っこい, 木目細か, 平たい, 平らか, 肌理細か, 滑らか, 坦坦たる, 潤滑, 肌理細
- having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities; "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror"
- 粗さ、隆起、うねまたは不連続性のない表面を持つ
- fine
- 微細, 細か, 細かい, 木目細, 細やか, 木目細か, 細い, 肌理細か, 肌理細
- of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles; "wood with a fine grain"; "fine powdery snow"; "fine rain"; "batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave"; "covered with a fine film of dust"
- 触覚が滑らかな織地または比較的小さい粒子から成る物質の
- careful
- 丁重, 細心, 念入り, 木目細, 慎重, 注意深い, 木目細か, 丁寧, 丹念, 入念, 肌理細か, 叮寧, 肌理細
- exercising caution or showing care or attention; "they were careful when crossing the busy street"; "be careful to keep her shoes clean"; "did very careful research"; "careful art restorers"; "careful of the rights of others"; "careful about one's behavior"
- 警戒する、留意または注意を示すさま
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