英日字典: ふらふら
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- dog-tired, exhausted, washed-out, fagged, spent, worn out, worn-out, fatigued, played out
- くたくた, ぼろぼろ, ふらふら, へとへと
- drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted; "the day's shopping left her exhausted"; "he went to bed dog-tired"; "was fagged and sweaty"; "the trembling of his played out limbs"; "felt completely washed-out"; "only worn-out horses and cattle"; "you look worn out"
- エネルギーまたは効率性が外に流れて
- lightheaded, faint, light, swooning, light-headed
- ふらふら
- weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep"
- 弱くて意識を失いそうな
- uncertainly, unsteadily, falteringly
- よたよた, ぐらぐら, ひょろり, ぐらりぐらり, ひょろひょろ, ふらふら, よろり, よちよち, たよたよ
- in an unsteady manner; "he walked unsteadily toward the exit"; "The wounded soldier was swinging unsteadily on his legs"
- 不安定な態度で
- about, around
- ほうぼうに, ふらふら, あちこちと
- used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction; "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets around (or about)"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone who's been around"; "she sleeps around"
- 多方向へ、特別な方向なしに動くことに使用される
- swag, stagger, careen, reel, keel, lurch
- ふらつく, ふらふらする, よたよたする, 蹌踉ける, よろよろする, ふらふら, ひょろひょろする, 蹌踉めく
- walk as if unable to control one's movements; "The drunken man staggered into the room"
- 自身の運動をコントロールすることができないかのように、歩く
- seesaw, teeter, totter
- ふらつく, ぐらつく, ぐらぐらする, ふらふらする, よたよたする, よろよろする, ふらふら, 蹌踉めく, ひょろける, 揺れる
- move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
- 揺れる運動で、不安定に動く
- dizzy
- ふらふら
- make dizzy or giddy; "a dizzying pace"
- めまいを起こすまたは目がくらむ
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