

英日字典: faint

KK Pronunciation

〔 fent 〕


〔 feint 〕

The faint has 8 Senses.

  • feeble, faint
  • 弱い, か細い, 微か
  • lacking strength or vigor; "damning with faint praise"; "faint resistance"; "feeble efforts"; "a feeble voice"
  • 強さか活力の欠乏

  • lightheaded, faint, light, swooning, light-headed
  • ふらふら
  • weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep"
  • 弱くて意識を失いそうな

  • faint
  • かすか
  • indistinctly understood or felt or perceived; "a faint clue to the origin of the mystery"; "haven't the faintest idea"
  • 不明瞭に理解され、感じられまたは知覚される

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