

英日字典: クラブ


5 文書を見つけるための辞書。

  • club
  • クラブ
  • a playing card in the minor suit that has one or more black trefoils on it; "he led a small club"; "clubs were trumps"
  • 1つかそれ以上の黒いシロツメクサを持つ小さい一組のカード

  • cabaret, night club, club, nightclub, nightspot
  • キャバレー, クラブ, ナイトクラブ
  • a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink; "don't expect a good meal at a cabaret"; "the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night"; "he played the drums at a jazz club"
  • 夜に遅くにあいていて、ダンスと飲食物だけでなくエンターテイメント(歌手またはダンサーのような)を提供するスポット

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