

英日字典: order

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋɒrdZ 〕


〔 ˊɒːdә 〕

The order has 24 Senses.

  • order
  • , 司令, 下知, 下命, 沙汰, 指令, 命令,
  • (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
  • (例えば、軍隊または法執行官など)上司に与えられたの命令で、従わなければならないもの

  • order of magnitude, order
  • a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude"
  • 大きさや量の連続体における程度

  • order
  • established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order"
  • 通常の状態(特に社会の)に定着した

  • ordination, order, ordering
  • 順序, 順番, 順序づけ, 配列
  • logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements; "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation"
  • グループの個々の要素を論理的にわかりやすくい配列したもの

  • orderliness, order
  • 整頓
  • a condition of regular or proper arrangement; "he put his desk in order"; "the machine is now in working order"
  • 規則正しいか適切な配列の状態

  • edict, decree, rescript, order, fiat
  • 布告, フィアット, 勅令, 軍配, 指令, 命令, 判決
  • a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge); "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"
  • 裁判所の記録に記入される法的に拘束力のある命令または決定(あたかも裁判所または判事によって発行されたような)

  • purchase order, order
  • ご注文, 註文, オーダー, 購入注文, 注文, オーダ
  • a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities; "IBM received an order for a hundred computers"
  • 代金を支払って調達を依頼するのに用いられる商売用の書類であり、明細事項と数量を提示している

  • holy order, order
  • (usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy; "theologians still disagree over whether `bishop' should or should not be a separate Order"
  • 教会のヒエラルキーでのキリスト教の聖職者の身分、階級または職務

  • monastic order, order
  • a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
  • 宗教規則の下で生きる人のグループ

  • order
  • ご注文, 註文, 用命, , オーダー, 誂え, 注文, オーダ, 所望
  • a request for something to be made, supplied, or served; "I gave the waiter my order"; "the company's products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle"
  • 作るか、提供するか、または供給するという要求

  • order
  • (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans
  • 使用された支柱やエンタブラチュア、最初にローマから発達した3つの様式により区別される最初の3つの様式のギリシアの建築様式の1つ

  • order
  • 配列, 排列
  • place in a certain order; "order the photos chronologically"
  • ある順番に並べる

  • order, ordain, consecrate, ordinate
  • appoint to a clerical posts; "he was ordained in the Church"
  • 事務職に任命する

  • order, arrange, put, set up
  • 図らう
  • arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events; "arrange my schedule"; "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times"
  • 一時的な思考、考え、出来事を配置する

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