英日字典: 仕組み
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- setup
- 仕組み
- the way something is organized or arranged; "it takes time to learn the setup around here"
- 何かが調整され、組織化される方法
- mechanics, mechanism
- メカニクス, 仕掛け, メカ, からくり, 仕掛, メカニズム, 絡繰, 絡繰り, 機作, 機序, 仕組み, 仕組, 機構, 機関, メカニックス
- the technical aspects of doing something; "a mechanism of social control"; "mechanisms of communication"; "the mechanics of prose style"
- 何かをするにあたっての技術的側面
- structure
- ストラクチャー, システム, 組立て, 構成, 構造, 組みたて, ストラクチャ, 組織, 組み立て, 造り, 組立, 組たて, 仕組み, 仕組
- the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts; "artists must study the structure of the human body"; "the structure of the benzene molecule"
- 何かの建設方法とその部分の調整
- plot
- 筋, 筋書き, 粗筋, 筋立, プロット, 筋立て, 仕組み, 仕組, 構想
- the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc.; "the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal"
- 小説、演劇、映画等で語られる物語
- system
- システム, 制度, 仕組み
- a procedure or process for obtaining an objective; "they had to devise a system that did not depend on cooperation"
- 目的のものを得るための過程あるいは手続き
- arrangement, system, organization, organisation
- 取り合わせ, システム, 体制, 構成, 系列, 構造, 系統, 組織, 体系, 配列, 系, 組立, 仕組み, 仕組, 編成
- an organized structure for arranging or classifying; "he changed the arrangement of the topics"; "the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original"; "he tried to understand their system of classification"
- 整理や分類のための整った構造
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