英日字典: organisation
The organisation has 7 Senses.
- establishment, governance, organization, administration, governing body, brass, organisation
- 体制, 主脳部, マネージメント, 総督, 総領, 首脳部, マネジメント
- the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"
- 何かを運営する目的で統治組織を構成する人々(または委員会、部門など)
- arrangement, system, organization, organisation
- 取り合わせ, システム, 体制, 構成, 系列, 構造, 系統, 組織, 体系, 配列, 系, 組立, 仕組み, 仕組, 編成
- an organized structure for arranging or classifying; "he changed the arrangement of the topics"; "the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original"; "he tried to understand their system of classification"
- 整理や分類のための整った構造
- system, organization, organisation
- 秩序, 組織
- an ordered manner; orderliness by virtue of being methodical and well organized; "his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality"; "we can't do it unless we establish some system around here"
- 規則正しい方法
- organization, organisation
- 組織, 組織化, 編制
- the act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business; "he was brought in to supervise the organization of a new department"
- ビジネスやビジネス関連の活動を組織する行為
- organization, organisation
- 体制, オーガナイゼーション, 構成, 構造, 組織, 組み立て, 体系, オーガニゼーション, 組成, 組立, オーガニゼイション, 組織化, 編制, 体系化, 編成
- the activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically; "his organization of the work force was very efficient"
- 人や物を適切に、または秩序だって配置したり処理したりする活動や結果のこと
- establishment, organization, formation, constitution, organisation
- 創始, 創業, 設立, 創立, 結成, 形成, 組織, 確立, 開設, 組成, 制定, 創設, 結社, 創建, 編成
- the act of forming or establishing something; "the constitution of a PTA group last year"; "it was the establishment of his reputation"; "he still remembers the organization of the club"
- 何かを形成するか確立する行為
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