英日字典: 切目
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- cut
- 切れ目, 切目
- a canal made by erosion or excavation
- 浸食や発掘による運河
- pause
- 区切目, 休止, 絶えま, 途切, 区ぎり, 区切りめ, 途絶え, 絶え間, 中断, 切れ目, 休止期, 区切り, 間断, 句切目, 跡切れ, ひと切, 句ぎり, 区切れ, 切目, 句切れ, 句切り, 一切り, 小止み, たえ間, 一段落, 句切, 途切れ, 跡ぎれ, 一きり, ひと切り, 中絶, 区切り目, 句切りめ, 間, 跡切, 区切, 途ぎれ, 句切り目, 仲断
- temporary inactivity
- 一時的な無活動状態
- break
- 切れ間, 切れ目, 切目, 破目
- the occurrence of breaking; "the break in the dam threatened the valley"
- 破壊の発生
- dent, prick, incision, slit, scratch
- 掻傷, 切り目, 切り込み, 掻き疵, かき傷, 刻, 刻み, 刻目, 切れ目, 掻疵, 切りこみ, 切目, 刻み目, 傷, 疵, 切れ込み, 切込み, 切込, 掻き傷
- a depression scratched or carved into a surface
- 表面へ引っ掻かれた、または彫られたへこみ
- cutting, cut
- 裁ち方, 切れ目, 切通, カット, 切目, 切傷, 切り疵, 切り通し, 切り創, 裁ち, 分け前, 切れ込み, 切断, 切り傷
- the division of a deck of cards before dealing; "he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal"; "the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual"
- 配る前に1組のトランプを分離させること
- cut
- 裁ち方, 切れ目, 切目, 切傷, 切り疵, 切り通し, 切り創, 裁ち, 切れ込み, 切断, 切り傷
- the style in which a garment is cut; "a dress of traditional cut"
- 衣服が裁断されるスタイル
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