英日字典: 堂堂たる
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- majestic, olympian
- 堂堂たる, 荘重, 尊厳, 荘厳, 壮重, 堂々たる, 厳威, 威風堂々たる, いかめしい, 堂々, 堂堂, 威風堂堂たる, 厳めしい
- majestic in manner or bearing; superior to mundane matters; "his majestic presence"; "olympian detachment"; "olympian beauty and serene composure"
- 方法または態度で厳格な
- dignified
- 重々しい, 堂堂たる, 儼乎たる, 重重しい, 尊厳, 荘厳, 厳か, 堂々たる, 厳威, いかめしい, 厳粛, 堂々, 堂堂, 厳めしい
- having or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance; "her dignified demeanor"; "the director of the school was a dignified white-haired gentleman"
- 威厳を持ち、表現する
- courageous, brave
- 大胆不敵, 壮絶, 男男しい, 壮烈, 放胆, 堂堂たる, 雄邁, 大胆, 強勇, けなげ, 勇敢, 健気, 勇烈, 剛勇, 凛凛しい, 豪勇, 雄雄しい, 雄々しい, 雄壮, 堂々たる, 男々しい, 甲斐甲斐しい, 勇壮, 勇猛, 勇ましい, 勇邁, 不敵
- possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching; "Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring"- Herman Melville; "a frank courageous heart...triumphed over pain"- William Wordsworth; "set a courageous example by leading them safely into and out of enemy-held territory"
- 勇気を持っている、または示すさま
- baronial, stately, noble, imposing
- 堂堂たる, 堂々たる, 威風堂々たる, 立派, 威風堂堂たる
- impressive in appearance; "a baronial mansion"; "an imposing residence"; "a noble tree"; "severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses"; "stately columns"
- 外観上印象的な
- brilliant, splendid, glorious, magnificent
- 雄大, 素晴しい, 素晴らしい, 堂堂たる, 宏壮, 壮観, 壮大, 荘厳, 壮麗, 堂々たる, 見事, 豪壮, 立派, 広壮
- characterized by grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony"
- 壮大さで特徴付けられる
- grand, distinguished, imposing, magisterial
- 赫々たる, 赫赫たる, 堂堂たる, 堂々たる, 威風堂々たる, 抜群, 堂々, 偉大, 雄偉, 巍然たる, 偉, 堂堂, 威風堂堂たる
- used of a person's appearance or behavior; befitting an eminent person; "his distinguished bearing"; "the monarch's imposing presence"; "she reigned in magisterial beauty"
- 人の外見またはふるまいに使われる
- majestic, proud, gallant, lofty
- 高遠, 堂堂たる, 昂然たる, 厳しい, 壮大, 荘重, 荘厳, 壮重, 堂々たる, 厳威, 威風堂々たる, いかめしい, 堂々, 高尚, 高峻, 高邁, 堂堂, 威風堂堂たる, 高大, 厳めしい
- having or displaying great dignity or nobility; "a gallant pageant"; "lofty ships"; "majestic cities"; "proud alpine peaks"
- 素晴らしい威厳または高貴のある、または示す
- bold
- 大胆不敵, 壮烈, 放胆, 堂堂たる, 大胆, 豪胆, 剛胆, 果断, 雄渾, 敢然たる, 堂々たる, 勇猛, 勇ましい, 果敢
- fearless and daring; "bold settlers on some foreign shore"; "a bold speech"; "a bold adventure"
- 恐れを知らなくて大胆な
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