英日字典: 放胆
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- hardiness, boldness, daring, hardihood
- 大胆不敵, きもっ玉, 肝ったま, 肝っ魂, 放胆, 果敢さ, 剛毅, 大胆, 大胆さ, 度胸, 放胆さ, 不敵
- the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger; "the proposal required great boldness"; "the plan required great hardiness of heart"
- 必然的に危険を含むことをあえて引き受けるという特性
- intrepid, brave, dauntless, hardy, unfearing, audacious, fearless
- 根性のすわった, 放胆, 大胆, 豪胆, 勇敢, 剛胆
- invulnerable to fear or intimidation; "audacious explorers"; "fearless reporters and photographers"; "intrepid pioneers"
- 恐れまたは脅迫にびくともしない
- courageous, brave
- 大胆不敵, 壮絶, 男男しい, 壮烈, 放胆, 堂堂たる, 雄邁, 大胆, 強勇, けなげ, 勇敢, 健気, 勇烈, 剛勇, 凛凛しい, 豪勇, 雄雄しい, 雄々しい, 雄壮, 堂々たる, 男々しい, 甲斐甲斐しい, 勇壮, 勇猛, 勇ましい, 勇邁, 不敵
- possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching; "Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring"- Herman Melville; "a frank courageous heart...triumphed over pain"- William Wordsworth; "set a courageous example by leading them safely into and out of enemy-held territory"
- 勇気を持っている、または示すさま
- bold
- 大胆不敵, 壮烈, 放胆, 堂堂たる, 大胆, 豪胆, 剛胆, 果断, 雄渾, 敢然たる, 堂々たる, 勇猛, 勇ましい, 果敢
- fearless and daring; "bold settlers on some foreign shore"; "a bold speech"; "a bold adventure"
- 恐れを知らなくて大胆な
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