英日字典: 従順
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- tame
- 従順
- very restrained or quiet; "a tame Christmas party"; "she was one of the tamest and most abject creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed"
- 非常に抑制された、または静かな
- submissive
- 従順
- inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination; "submissive servants"; "a submissive reply"; "replacing troublemakers with more submissive people"
- 他の命令または願望を受け入れる傾向がある、気持ちがあること、あるいは、傾向を示すさま
- obedient
- 従順, 素直
- dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority; "an obedient soldier"; "obedient children"; "a little man obedient to his wife"; "the obedient colonies...are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened"- Edmund Burke
- 忠実に権限による命令または指示に対応する
- spiritless, meek
- 従順
- evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant; "compliant and anxious to suit his opinions of those of others"; "a fine fiery blast against meek conformity"- Orville Prescott; "she looked meek but had the heart of a lion"; "was submissive and subservient"
- 精神または勇気がほとんど見えないさま
- gentle, docile
- 従順
- easily handled or managed; "a gentle old horse, docile and obedient"
- 容易に扱われる、または管理される
- accepting
- 従順, 素直
- tolerating without protest; "always more accepting of coaching suggestion than her teammates"; "the atmosphere was judged to be more supporting and accepting"
- 異議を唱えず大目に見るさま
- meek, tame
- 従順
- very docile; "tame obedience"; "meek as a mouse"- Langston Hughes
- 非常に従順な
- tractable, manipulable
- 従順
- easily managed (controlled or taught or molded); "tractable young minds"; "the natives...being...of an intelligent tractable disposition"- Samuel Butler
- 容易に管理される(制御されるか、または教えられるか、または形成される)
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