英日字典: 素直
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- spare, plain, bare, unembellished, unornamented
- プレイン, 質素, 素朴, 飾り気のない, 飾り気の無い, プレーン, 質樸, 粗朴, 粗樸, 素直, 地味, 簡素, 質朴
- lacking embellishment or ornamentation; "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"
- 装飾または飾りのない
- square, straight, straightforward
- 真面目, ストレート, 単刀直入, 簡明直截, 真っ正直, 率直, 明るい, 卒直, 直ぐ, フランク, まじめ, 真直ぐ, 公明正大, まとも, 真すぐ, ざっくばらん, 真面, 真っ直ぐ, 正直, まっ正直, 直, 直截, 真っすぐ, 堂々, 質実, 真直, 素直, 堂堂
- without evasion or compromise; "a square contradiction"; "he is not being as straightforward as it appears"
- 回避や妥協なしに
- obedient
- 従順, 素直
- dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority; "an obedient soldier"; "obedient children"; "a little man obedient to his wife"; "the obedient colonies...are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened"- Edmund Burke
- 忠実に権限による命令または指示に対応する
- teachable, docile
- 素直
- ready and willing to be taught; "docile pupils eager for instruction"; "teachable youngsters"
- 教えられる準備ができていて、それを望んでいるさま
- accepting
- 従順, 素直
- tolerating without protest; "always more accepting of coaching suggestion than her teammates"; "the atmosphere was judged to be more supporting and accepting"
- 異議を唱えず大目に見るさま
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