英日字典: 悪い
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- bad
- まずい, 良からぬ, 悪い
- having undesirable or negative qualities; "a bad report card"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad little boy"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luck"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad choice"
- 望ましくない、または否定的な品質の
- bad
- 不良, まずい, へぼ, 下手糞, こっ酷い, 下手, 拙い, 拙劣, ひどい, 散々, 悪い, 酷い, へた
- below average in quality or performance; "a bad chess player"; "a bad recital"
- 質または性能において平均を下回る
- execrable, odious, abominable, detestable
- 言語道断, 悪い
- unequivocally detestable; "abominable treatment of prisoners"; "detestable vices"; "execrable crimes"; "consequences odious to those you govern"- Edmund Burke
- 明解に嫌悪すべき
- bad, unfit, unsound
- 悪い
- physically unsound or diseased; "has a bad back"; "a bad heart"; "bad teeth"; "an unsound limb"; "unsound teeth"
- 身体的に不安定であるか病気にかかった
- bad, speculative, risky, high-risk
- 投機的, 危険, 悪い
- not financially safe or secure; "a bad investment"; "high risk investments"; "anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky"; "speculative business enterprises"
- 金銭的に安全または堅実でない
- ill
- 有害, 悪い
- resulting in suffering or adversity; "ill effects"; "it's an ill wind that blows no good"
- 苦しみまたは逆境に終わるさま
- evil
- よこしま, 邪悪, 邪, 悪い, 邪ま
- morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds"
- 道徳的に悪い、または間違っているさま
- wicked
- 極悪, 佞悪, 兇悪, 姦譎, 獄道, よこしま, あくどい, 悪らつ, 奸譎, いけず, 悪質, 腹黒, 凶悪, 罪作り, 横道, 邪悪, 邪, 極道, 邪曲, 悪い, 腹黒い, 悪辣, 邪ま, 腹ぐろい
- morally bad in principle or practice
- 主義または習慣上、倫理的に悪い
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