英日字典: 残念
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- regretful, bad, sorry
- 申しわけ無い, 申しわけない, 残念, 口おしい, 済まなそう, 悔しい, 心残り, お気の毒さま, 可哀想, 無念, 気の毒, 御気の毒様, 済まない, 本意ない, 遺憾, 可哀相, 口惜しい, 申し訳ない, 申し訳無い, 本意無い
- feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; "felt regretful over his vanished youth"; "regretful over mistakes she had made"; "he felt bad about breaking the vase"
- 何かをした、あるいはしなかったことについて後悔、悲しみ、あるいは喪失感を感じること、あるいは表すさま
- ashamed
- 残念, 不名誉, 心疾しい, 恥ずかしい, 不面目, 心疚しい, 疾しい, 腑甲斐ない, 気恥ずかしい, やましい, 心やましい, 後ろめたい
- feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse; "are you ashamed for having lied?"; "felt ashamed of my torn coat"
- 恥、罪の意識、当惑または後悔を感じるさま
- embarrassing, mortifying
- 残念, 恥ずい, 照れくさい, 照れ臭い
- causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation; "the embarrassing moment when she found her petticoat down around her ankles"; "it was mortifying to know he had heard every word"
- 恥辱、悔しさ、あるいはいらだちを感じさせるさま
- too bad, regrettable
- 残念, 気のどく, 気の毒, 遺憾, 口惜しい
- deserving regret; "regrettable remarks"; "it's regrettable that she didn't go to college"; "it's too bad he had no feeling himself for church"
- 後悔に値するさま
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