英日字典: 慇懃
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- closeness, intimacy
- 親交, 親密, 懇親, 誼, 別懇, 馴染, 馴染み, 親しみ, 交情, 誼み, 入魂, 慇懃, 昵懇
- a feeling of being intimate and belonging together; "their closeness grew as the night wore on"
- 親密で、共に感じる感覚
- closeness, intimacy, familiarity
- 親交, お馴染, 御馴染, 御馴染み, 爾汝の交わり, 親密, 懇親, 馴じみ, 親交関係, 親密さ, お馴染み, 別懇, 友好, 密, 親しさ, 馴染, 仲よし, 馴染み, 交情, 誼み, 入魂, 仲良し, 近しさ, 親密性, 慇懃, じっこん, 仲良, 昵懇, 昵近, 親近さ, 親近, 睦まじさ
- close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy"
- 親密で温かみのある友情
- polite, civil
- 礼義正しい, 礼儀正しい, 慇懃, 折り目正しい
- not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others; "even if he didn't like them he should have been civil"- W.S. Maugham
- 無礼ではない
- polite
- 叮嚀, 礼儀正しい, 丁寧, 慇懃, 叮寧, 折り目正しい
- showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.
- 態度、話し方、振舞いなどにおいて、他人への敬意を示すさま
- gracious, courteous, nice
- 謹厚, 折目高, 丁重, 懇ろ, 叮嚀, 手厚い, 折り目高, ねんごろ, 恭しい, 礼義正しい, 礼儀正しい, 丁寧, 鄭重, 慇懃, 手重い, 叮寧, 折り目正しい
- exhibiting courtesy and politeness; "a nice gesture"
- 礼儀と丁寧さを示す
- cultivated, polite, cultured, civilised, genteel, civilized
- 洒落, 風雅, 恭しい, 礼義正しい, 礼儀正しい, たわやか, 慇懃, 雅馴, 折り目正しい
- marked by refinement in taste and manners; "cultivated speech"; "cultured Bostonians"; "cultured tastes"; "a genteel old lady"; "polite society"
- 趣と行儀における教養で特徴づけられる
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