英日字典: 叮寧
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- heedful, careful
- 念入り, 慎重, 注意深い, 入念, 叮寧
- cautiously attentive; "careful of her feelings"; "heedful of his father's advice"
- 用心深く注意深い
- polite
- 叮嚀, 礼儀正しい, 丁寧, 慇懃, 叮寧, 折り目正しい
- showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.
- 態度、話し方、振舞いなどにおいて、他人への敬意を示すさま
- measured, deliberate, careful
- 綿密, 悠長, 念入り, 慎重, 優長, 注意深い, 丁寧, 丹念, 入念, 周到, 叮寧
- unhurried and with care and dignity; "walking at the same measured pace"; "with all deliberate speed"
- のんびりしている、慎重である、威厳
- thorough
- 十分, 綿密, 徹底的, 丁寧, 丹念, 精到, 周到, 叮寧
- painstakingly careful and accurate; "our accountant is thorough"; "thorough research"
- 苦心して慎重で正確な
- careful
- 丁重, 細心, 念入り, 木目細, 慎重, 注意深い, 木目細か, 丁寧, 丹念, 入念, 肌理細か, 叮寧, 肌理細
- exercising caution or showing care or attention; "they were careful when crossing the busy street"; "be careful to keep her shoes clean"; "did very careful research"; "careful art restorers"; "careful of the rights of others"; "careful about one's behavior"
- 警戒する、留意または注意を示すさま
- gracious, courteous, nice
- 謹厚, 折目高, 丁重, 懇ろ, 叮嚀, 手厚い, 折り目高, ねんごろ, 恭しい, 礼義正しい, 礼儀正しい, 丁寧, 鄭重, 慇懃, 手重い, 叮寧, 折り目正しい
- exhibiting courtesy and politeness; "a nice gesture"
- 礼儀と丁寧さを示す
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