英日字典: 正当化
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- justification
- 正当化
- the act of defending or explaining or making excuses for by reasoning; "the justification of barbarous means by holy ends"- H.J.Muller
- 理論で弁護し、説明し、または言い分を述べる行為
- rationalise, justify, apologise, rationalize, excuse, apologize
- 自己辯護, 辯解, 弁解, 釈明, 申し訳, 正しいとする, 弁ずる, 自己弁護, 正当付ける, 言開く, 弁明, 理屈づける, 言分け, 言い訳, 理屈付ける, 弁疏, 言訳, 申し開らく, 正当づける, 正当化
- defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning; "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior"; "he rationalized his lack of success"
- 弁解によって、防御する、説明するか、片づける、あるいは言い訳する
- justify, warrant
- 正当付ける, 正当化
- show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for; "The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns"; "The end justifies the means"
- 十ん分な根拠を提供するまたは論理性を示す
- explain, excuse
- 理由になる, 正当化
- serve as a reason or cause or justification of; "Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work"; "Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again"
- 理由、原因、正当化として機能する
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