英日字典: 正確さ
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- accuracy, truth
- 確かさ, 慥かさ, 正確度, 適確, 精度, 精確, 正確, 適確さ, 正確さ, 的確, 正しさ, 精確さ, 正確性, 真実性, 確度, 的確さ
- the quality of being near to the true value; "he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass"; "the lawyer questioned the truth of my account"
- 真の価値へ近い性質
- exactness, exactitude
- 正確さ, 厳正
- the quality of being exact; "he demanded exactness in all details"; "a man of great exactitude"
- 正確である性質
- preciseness, precision
- 明確さ, 精密さ, 適確, 精度, 精確, 精密度, 適確さ, 正確さ, 精緻, 的確, 精確さ, 確度, 的確さ, 精細
- the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance; "he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton"; "note the meticulous precision of his measurements"
- 量、あるいは行為が再生可能である性質
- accuracy
- 正確度, 精度, 正確さ
- (mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a number; "the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy"
- 数字で与えられる、有効桁数
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