英日字典: 正確
16 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- accuracy, truth
- 確かさ, 慥かさ, 正確度, 適確, 精度, 精確, 正確, 適確さ, 正確さ, 的確, 正しさ, 精確さ, 正確性, 真実性, 確度, 的確さ
- the quality of being near to the true value; "he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass"; "the lawyer questioned the truth of my account"
- 真の価値へ近い性質
- just, precisely, exactly
- 聢と, 丁度, きちんと, きちんきちん, きちっと, 正に, ちょうど, ぴたっと, きっちり, 将に, かっきり, ちゃんと, 正確, ずばり, きっかり, かっちり, 正しく, まさに, ちょっきり, まさしく, 確と, どんぴしゃり, ぴたり, 当に, 恰度, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
- 正確さまたは精密度を示すこと
- precisely, incisively, exactly
- 聢と, 丁度, きちんと, きちっと, 正に, ちょうど, ぴたっと, きっちり, 将に, ちゃんと, 正確, ずばり, 正しく, まさに, まさしく, 確と, どんぴしゃり, ぴたり, 恰度, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"
- 正確な方法で
- precise
- 精確, 正確, 正しい
- sharply exact or accurate or delimited; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived at the precise moment"
- 鋭く正確であるか間違いのない、あるいは区切られた
- correct, right
- 慥か, ただしい, 精確, 正確, 本当, 的確, 正しい, 確か
- free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"
- エラーがない
- accurate
- 審らか, 慥か, ただしい, 適確, 委しい, 精密, 密, 詳しい, 精確, 正確, 緻密, 的確, 正しい, 精細, 確か
- conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale"
- 正確に、または、ほぼ正確に事実あるいは規格に従うか、完全な正確さで実行するさま
- exact, accurate, precise
- 慥か, ただしい, 精確, 正確, 正しい, 確か
- (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct; "a precise image"; "a precise measurement"
- (考え、イメージ、表象、表現について)事実または真実に対して完全な一致によって特徴づけられる
- definite
- 確然たる, 定か, 慥か, 確定的, 判然たる, 正確, 分明, 確実, 明確, 限定的, 確か
- precise; explicit and clearly defined; "I want a definite answer"; "a definite statement of the terms of the will"; "a definite amount"; "definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol"; "the wedding date is now definite"; "a definite drop in attendance"
- 的確な
- correct, right
- 正確, 正しい
- in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters"
- 使用または手順の認められた標準と一致して
- correct, right
- 適正, 妥当, 尤も, よい, 適切, ただしい, 適当, 公正, 正確, いい, 良い, もっとも, 的確, 正しい
- correct in opinion or judgment; "time proved him right"
- 意見または判断において正しい
- mathematical
- 数学的, 正確
- characterized by the exactness or precision of mathematics; "mathematical precision"
- 数学の精度または正確性によって特徴づけられる
- veracious
- 正確
- habitually speaking the truth; "a veracious witness"
- いつも真実を話すさま
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