英日字典: 目途
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- end, goal
- 目当て, 目標, 目処, 目的地, 目的, 目途
- the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; "the ends justify the means"
- 計画が達成することを目的とし、それを達成するために意図される行動を終わらせる出来事の状態
- aim, purpose, design, intent, intention
- 目当て, 目当, 狙, 目標, 目処, 意趣, 当て所, 当て, 狙い, 意図, 作意, あてど, 目的, 目途
- an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"
- 意図している、または計画した行動を導く、予期された結果
- target, aim, objective, object
- 目当て, 目あて, 目当, 狙, 目標, 目処, 狙い, 意図, 目的, 目途, ターゲット
- the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); "the sole object of her trip was to see her children"
- (成し遂げられると考えられる)成し遂げるための目標
- chance, prospect
- 展望, 見込, 可能性, 目処, 見通し, 見通, 見こみ, 見込み, 見とおし, 目途
- the possibility of future success; "his prospects as a writer are excellent"
- 将来の成功の可能性
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