英日字典: 可能性
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- probability
- 蓋然性, 確からしさ, 見込, 確率, 可能性, 公算, 蓋然率, 有力さ, 見こみ, 見込み, 蓋然, プロバビリティー, プロバビリティ
- the quality of being probable; a probable event or the most probable event; "for a while mutiny seemed a probability"; "going by past experience there was a high probability that the visitors were lost"
- 可能性の高いことの質
- possible
- 可能性, ポシビリティー, ありうる事
- something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"
- 成し遂げられること
- chance, prospect
- 展望, 見込, 可能性, 目処, 見通し, 見通, 見こみ, 見込み, 見とおし, 目途
- the possibility of future success; "his prospects as a writer are excellent"
- 将来の成功の可能性
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