英日字典: 謀略
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- gimmick, twist, device
- 謀略, いかさま, 匠, 権謀, 企み, 策, 絡繰り, 詐欺, 策略, 謀, 企て, 計略
- any clever maneuver; "he would stoop to any device to win a point"; "it was a great sales gimmick"; "a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen"
- 巧妙な策略
- trap, snare
- 謀略, 落し穴, 落穴, 網, 罠, 穽陥, トラップ, 引掛け, 羂, 引掛, 陥せい, 囮, 陥穽, 落とし穴, わな, 計略
- something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares; "the exam was full of trap questions"; "it was all a snare and delusion"
- あなたが無意識に捕らえられるような何か(しばしば一見魅力的に見える何か)
- ruse, artifice
- 謀略, 詭謀, 仕掛け, 細工, たくらみ, 謀計, 術策, 仕掛, 匠, 術数, 術計, 企み, 小細工, 策謀, 姦計, 奸計, 絡繰り, 籌略, わな, 策略, 悪巧み, 計略, 巧詐, トリック, 詭計, 籌策
- a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
- (特に捕獲を逃れるための)人をだます方策
- dodge, stratagem, contrivance
- 謀略, 考案, 軍配, 権謀, 策略, 計略
- an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade; "his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track"
- 人を欺いたり、何かを逃れようとする、巧みでずるい策略
- trick
- 謀略, 計謀, 詭謀, マヌーバー, 詐術, たくらみ, 謀計, 罠, 姦詐, 術策, 一芝居, 悪巧, 奸詐, 術計, 悪計, 羂, 偽計, 悪だくみ, 企み, 虚実, 計策, 瞞着手段, だまし, 策謀, 姦計, 奸計, 落とし穴, 籌略, わな, 欺罔, 策略, 謀, 企て, 悪巧み, 誑し, トリック, 狡計, マヌーヴァー, 詭計, 籌策
- an attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent; "that offer was a dirty trick"
- 愚かで軽率なことを人にさせるような試み
- fast one, trick
- 謀略, 計謀, 詭謀, 謀計, 姦詐, いかさま, 術策, 一芝居, 悪巧, 術数, 悪計, だますこと, 悪だくみ, 計策, 策謀, 姦計, いんちき, 奸計, 策略, 謀, 悪巧み, 誑し, 計略, 巧詐, トリック, 詭計
- a cunning or deceitful action or device; "he played a trick on me"; "he pulled a fast one and got away with it"
- ずる賢い、または人をだます行動、または計略
- machination, intrigue
- 謀略, 隠謀, 悪巧, 魂胆, 底巧, 悪だくみ, 底企み, 底企, 謀, 底巧み, 悪巧み, 陰謀
- a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
- あなたの目的(通常不吉な)を達成するための狡猾で関連のある策略
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