英日字典: いかさま
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- gimmick, twist, device
- 謀略, いかさま, 匠, 権謀, 企み, 策, 絡繰り, 詐欺, 策略, 謀, 企て, 計略
- any clever maneuver; "he would stoop to any device to win a point"; "it was a great sales gimmick"; "a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen"
- 巧妙な策略
- chicanery, guile, wile, chicane, trickery, shenanigan
- 欺騙, ぺてん, 如何様, 瞞着, いかさま, 権謀術策, 詭弁, ごまかし, 虚偽, 欺瞞, 権謀術数, 詭辯, 山勘, 詐欺, 枉惑, ペテン, 詭計
- the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)
- 誰かを欺くために(普通その人から金を取るために)たくらみを用いること
- sham, fake, postiche
- テンプラ, 天麩羅, 如何様, 偽造品, 紛い, いかさま, 偽作, インチキ, 偽物, 如何様物, がせ, 紛い物, ニセ物, まやかし, 贋, いんちき, 擬い物, 如何物, 贋作, 贋物, まがい物, 偽, フェイク, まがいもの, にせ物
- something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be
- 模造である何か
- hoax, put-on, fraud, fraudulence, dupery, humbug
- 欺騙, ぺてん, 騙り, 瞞着, いかさま, 誤魔化し, ごまかし, 胡魔化, 偽計, 欺詐, 欺瞞, 山勘, 誤魔化, 詐欺, 詐取, 外連, 胡魔化し, ペテン
- something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage
- 人を欺こうとした何か
- fast one, trick
- 謀略, 計謀, 詭謀, 謀計, 姦詐, いかさま, 術策, 一芝居, 悪巧, 術数, 悪計, だますこと, 悪だくみ, 計策, 策謀, 姦計, いんちき, 奸計, 策略, 謀, 悪巧み, 誑し, 計略, 巧詐, トリック, 詭計
- a cunning or deceitful action or device; "he played a trick on me"; "he pulled a fast one and got away with it"
- ずる賢い、または人をだます行動、または計略
- sure as shooting, sure enough, for certain, sure, certainly, surely, for sure
- 急度, 必ずや, 定めし, 慥かに, きっと, いかさま, かならず, 相違なく, 誓って, 定めて, 確かに, 必ず, 確実, さだめて, 屹度, 断じて, 確か
- definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely'); "the results are surely encouraging"; "she certainly is a hard worker"; "it's going to be a good day for sure"; "they are coming, for certain"; "they thought he had been killed sure enough"; "he'll win sure as shooting"; "they sure smell good"; "sure he'll come"
- 確実にまたは明確に
- betray, deceive, lead astray
- 化かす, まやかす, 謀る, ごまかす, たらし込む, 瞞着, 謀つ, いかさま, 鴨る, 乗せる, 誑かす, 騙くらかす, 惑わせる, 賺す, 丸めこむ, 誤魔化す, 欺瞞, 瞞す, 騙かす, 惑わす, いんちき, 騙る, 誑す, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, 計る, 詐る, 騙し込む, 欺く, 騙す, 欺す, 誑し込む
- cause someone to believe an untruth; "The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house"
- 誰かに虚偽を信じさせる
- cheat, chicane, chouse, jockey, screw, shaft
- まやかす, ごまかす, いかさま, 騙くらかす, 食わす, 欺瞞, 騙かす, 騙る, 引っ懸ける, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, 詐る, 騙す, 欺す, 食わせる
- defeat someone through trickery or deceit
- 詐欺または偽りを通して誰かを打ち倒す
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