英日字典: 負けず劣らず
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- head-to-head, neck and neck, nip and tuck
- 負けず劣らず
- inconclusive as to outcome; close or just even in a race or comparison or competition; "as they approached the finish line they were neck and neck"; "the election was a nip and tuck affair"
- 結果に関して確定的でない
- evenly, equally
- 平等に, 均一に, 負けず劣らず, 等しく, 斉しく
- in equal amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way; "a class evenly divided between girls and boys"; "they split their winnings equally"; "deal equally with rich and poor"
- 等しい総計または分担率で
- as, every bit, equally
- 同等, 同じ程度に, 同様, 負けず劣らず, 等しく, 斉しく
- to the same degree (often followed by `as'); "they were equally beautiful"; "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"; "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"; "he is every bit as mean as she is"
- 同じ程度に
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