英日字典: 同等
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- equality
- 平手, 一律, 互角, 均等, 同等, 同格, 均一, 斉一, 同一, 平等
- the quality of being the same in quantity or measure or value or status
- 量、寸法、価値、あるいは地位が同じである性質
- par, equation, equivalence, equality
- 等価値, 平等さ, 対当, 同等性, 等値, 同値, 同等, 等量, 同格, 等価, 同一, 平等
- a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced; "on a par with the best"
- 本質的に等しいかまたは同等である状態
- equivalent, tantamount
- 同じい, 同じ, 均しい, 同等, 同質, 斉しい, 等しい, 等価
- being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt"
- 本質的に何かと等しいさま
- equal
- 同じい, 同じ, 均しい, 同等, 同様, 斉しい, イコール, 等しい, 平等
- having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law"
- もう一方と同じ量、価値、または測定値であるさま
- coordinate
- 同等
- of equal importance, rank, or degree
- 等しい重要性、階級、または程度の
- as, every bit, equally
- 同等, 同じ程度に, 同様, 負けず劣らず, 等しく, 斉しく
- to the same degree (often followed by `as'); "they were equally beautiful"; "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"; "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"; "he is every bit as mean as she is"
- 同じ程度に
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