英日字典: 震動
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- palpitation, quiver, shakiness, shaking, quivering, trembling, vibration
- 揺り, 振盪, 動揺, 震顫, 震, 顫動, 震撼, 揺れ, 揺るぎ, 震え, 震い, 震動, 揺動
- a shaky motion; "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe"
- 不安定な動き
- shock
- ショック, 振盪, 驚愕, 打撃, 衝撃, 驚がく, 震動
- (pathology) bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor; "loss of blood is an important cause of shock"
- 十分な酸素が細胞に供給されないことによって起こる身体的な虚脱状態あるいはそれに近いもの
- shock, blow
- ショック, 振盪, 驚愕, 打撃, 衝撃, 驚がく, 震動
- an unpleasant or disappointing surprise; "it came as a shock to learn that he was injured"
- 不愉快でがっかりさせられる驚き
- shock, seismic disturbance
- 地震, 衝撃, 震動
- an instance of agitation of the earth's crust; "the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch"
- 一瞬の地核の激しい揺れ
- jounce, jolt, jar, shock
- 衝撃, 震動
- a sudden jarring impact; "the door closed with a jolt"; "all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers"
- 突然の不快な衝撃
- shake, agitate
- 揺する, 揺らぐ, ぐらぐらする, 震わす, 揺すぶる, 打震わす, ゆする, 揺りうごかす, 揺ぐ, 揺すれる, ぶるぶるする, 撹拌, 打震える, 揺ら揺ら, 揺す振る, 揺がす, がくがく, 揺るがす, 揺るぐ, 揺らす, 震える, 震う, 揺さ振る, 震わせる, 打ち震わす, シェーク, 揺振れる, 打ち震える, 揺さぶる, シェイク, 揺動かす, 揺振る, 震動, 揺れる, 揺動, 揺る
- move or cause to move back and forth; "The chemist shook the flask vigorously"; "My hands were shaking"
- 前後に動く、または動かす
- judder, shake
- 揺する, ぐらつく, 揺さ振れる, ガタガタ, 揺らぐ, ぐらぐらする, 揺すぶる, 揺り動かす, 揺さぶれる, 揺りうごかす, 揺ぐ, 揺すれる, ぶるぶるする, 揺す振る, 揺がす, がくがく, 揺るがす, 揺るぐ, がくつく, 揺らす, 揺さ振る, がたつく, 揺振れる, がたがた, 揺さぶる, ブルブルする, 揺動かす, 揺振る, 震動, 揺れる, 揺動, 揺る
- shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively; "The old engine was juddering"
- 急速に集中的に震動するか振動する
- sway, rock, shake
- 揺らぐ, 振盪, 揺蕩, 動揺, 揺ぐ, 揺すれる, 揺るぐ, ゆさゆさする, 震盪, 蕩揺, ゆらゆらする, 震動, 揺れる, 揺動, 揺る
- move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet"
- 前後または横に動く
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