英日字典: backup
The backup has 5 Senses.
- backup
- an accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage; "a traffic backup on the main street"; "he discovered a backup in the toilet"
- 詰まることまたは停止に起因する蓄積
- backup man, substitute, relief, backup, stand-in, fill-in, reliever
- 代役, 控, 代員, ピンチ・ヒッター, 替玉, 代り, 代わり, 補欠, スタンドイン, 代行, 補闕, ピンチヒッター, 代え, 控え, 代り役, 代理, 替え玉, 身代わり, 代理人, 吹き替え, 代理者, 代人, 吹替え, 身代り
- someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult); "the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes"; "we need extra employees for summer fill-ins"
- 他人の代わりをする人(危険だったり難しかったりする場合など)
- computer backup, backup
- バックアップ
- (computer science) a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device; "he made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased"
- 別の貯蔵装置のファイルまたはディレクトリのコピー
- backing, championship, backup, patronage
- 後押し, 応援, 後ろ楯, 後盾, 助勢, うしろ押し, 後ろ盾, 後援, バックアップ, 尻押し, 賛助, 後楯, 支持
- the act of providing approval and support; "his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives"
- 賛同や支持を与える行為
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