

英日字典: bastard_indigo

bastard indigo   (TTS Sound)

The bastard_indigo has 3 Senses.

  • false indigo, amorpha fruticosa, bastard indigo
  • dense shrub of moist riverbanks and flood plains of the eastern United States having attractive fragrant foliage and dense racemes of dark purple flowers
  • 米国東部の湿った川堤と氾濫原に生える密集した低木で、魅力的な香りのよい葉と濃い紫の花の密集した総状花序を持つ

  • false indigo, amorpha californica, bastard indigo
  • an erect to spreading hairy shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having racemes of red to indigo flowers
  • 米国の太平洋岸の直生から広がりのある毛で覆われた低木で、赤色から藍色の花の総状花序がある

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