

英日字典: beard

KK Pronunciation

〔 bIrd 〕


〔 biәd 〕

The beard has 6 Senses.

  • beard
  • ノギ
  • a tuft or growth of hairs or bristles on certain plants such as iris or grasses
  • アヤメまたは草などのある植物につく毛または剛毛の成長または房

  • beard
  • a person who diverts suspicion from someone (especially a woman who accompanies a male homosexual in order to conceal his homosexuality)
  • 誰かからの疑いを紛らわす人(特に彼の同性愛を隠すために男性の同性愛者に同行する女性)

  • beard
  • hairy growth on or near the face of certain mammals
  • ある特定の哺乳動物の顔やその近くに生えた毛

  • beard, byssus
  • tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface
  • たとえばイガイガ一定の表面に素早く移動するつよう線状のふさ

  • beard
  • go along the rim, like a beard around the chin; "Houses bearded the top of the heights"
  • 縁に沿って進む、あご周辺のあごひげのような

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