英日字典: boost
KK Pronunciation
〔 bust 〕
〔 buːst 〕
The boost has 8 Senses.
- encouragement, boost
- 奨励, 勇気づけること, 勧奨, ほめて応援すること, 励まし, 督励, 鼓舞激励, 鼓吹, 気付け, 激励, 鼓舞
- the act of giving hope or support to someone
- 人に希望や支援を与える行為
- rise, boost, hike, cost increase
- 釣上, 値上がり, 増嵩, 騰げ, 釣上げ, 吊上げ, 吊り上げ, 釣り上げ, 騰貴, 吊上
- an increase in cost; "they asked for a 10% rise in rates"
- 価格の増加
- boost
- the act of giving a push; "he gave her a boost over the fence"
- 上に押し上げる行為
- boost
- 押し上げる, 後押し, 押上げる, 景気付ける, 高める
- give a boost to; be beneficial to; "The tax cut will boost the economy"
- 励ましを与える
- advance, promote, encourage, boost, further
- 推進, 奨励, 推し進める, 勧奨, 進める, プロモート, プロモウト, 促進, 推しすすめる
- contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
- 進歩か成長に貢献する
- advance, boost, supercharge
- 引上げる, 押し上げる, 増やす, 押上げる, 繰り上げる, アップ, 引き上げる, 上げる, 繰上げる, 引き揚げる, 高める
- increase or raise; "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit"
- 増加または上昇
- boost
- push or shove upward, as if from below or behind; "The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption"
- 下、または後ろから押すまたは押し上げる
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