

英日字典: bristle

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋbrIsL 〕


〔 ˊbrisl 〕

The bristle has 6 Senses.

  • bristle
  • 固い毛
  • a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic
  • 堅い繊維(粗毛やフィラメント)

  • bristle
  • 剛毛
  • a stiff hair
  • 剛毛

  • burst, bristle, abound
  • 富む
  • be in a state of movement or action; "The room abounded with screaming children"; "The garden bristled with toddlers"
  • 運動または行動中の状態である

  • bristle, uprise, stand up
  • 逆だつ, 逆立つ
  • rise up as in fear; "The dog's fur bristled"; "It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!"
  • 恐怖状態にあるときのように上がる

  • bristle
  • have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles; "bristling leaves"
  • 剛毛かまるで剛毛のようなものがある、または剛毛かまるで剛毛のようなもので厚く覆われる

  • bristle
  • react in an offended or angry manner; "He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program"
  • むっとしてまたは怒って反応する

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