英日字典: brush
KK Pronunciation
〔 brʌʃ 〕
〔 brʌʃ 〕
The brush has 15 Senses.
- brush, copse, coppice, brushwood, thicket
- 茂り, 繁り, 雑木林, 薮, 茂み, 藪, 叢林, 棘, 繁み
- a dense growth of bushes
- 低木の密生した茂み
- brush
- ブラッシュ, ブラシ, 毛払, ブラッシ, 毛はらい, 毛払い, 刷子, 刷毛
- an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
- 毛または剛毛が取手に堅くつけられている道具
- brush
- conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor
- 発生器またはモーターの回転と固定部分の間の電流を導く
- brush
- a bushy tail or part of a bushy tail (especially of the fox)
- 毛の多い尾または毛の多い尾の一部(特にきつねの)
- brush, brushing
- ブラッシング
- the act of brushing your teeth; "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"
- 歯を磨く行為
- brush, brushing
- ブラシ, ブラッシング
- the act of brushing your hair; "he gave his hair a quick brush"
- 髪にブラシをかける行為
- brush
- 小競り合い
- contact with something dangerous or undesirable; "I had a brush with danger on my way to work"; "he tried to avoid any brushes with the police"
- 危険なものまたは好ましくないものに接触する
- brush
- ブラッシング
- rub with a brush, or as if with a brush; "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"
- ブラシでこする、あるいはブラシでのようにこする
- brush
- 軽く触れる
- touch lightly and briefly; "He brushed the wall lightly"
- 軽くさっと触れる
- brush
- ブラッシング
- clean with a brush; "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"
- ブラシできれいにする
- sweep, brush
- 掃く
- sweep across or over; "Her long skirt brushed the floor"; "A gasp swept cross the audience"
- さっと通り抜ける、または押し寄せる
- brush
- 掃く, 払う
- remove with or as if with a brush; "brush away the crumbs"; "brush the dust from the jacket"; "brush aside the objections"
- ブラシやブラシのようなもので払いのける
- brush
- cover by brushing; "brush the bread with melted butter"
- ブラッシングにより覆う
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