英日字典: burn
KK Pronunciation
〔 bʒn 〕
〔 bә:n 〕
The burn has 20 Senses.
- burning, burn
- pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
- 燃やされているように熱く感じる痛み
- burn
- やけど, 火傷, 熱傷
- an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
- 火、化学薬品、エネルギー放射にさらされることによる損傷
- burn, burn mark
- やけど, 焦げ目
- a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
- やけどをした場所、範囲(特に人の身体の)
- burn
- やけど, 火傷
- damage inflicted by fire
- 焼くことにより負わされた傷
- glow, burn
- shine intensely, as if with heat; "The coals were glowing in the dark"; "The candles were burning"
- まるで熱であるように、強烈に輝く
- combust, burn
- 燃す, 焚く, 燃やす
- cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels"
- 点火、あるいは燃焼させる
- burn
- 燃える
- feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; "She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skies"
- 特に怒りまたは愛情のような、強い感情を感じる
- burn
- 火刑にする
- burn at the stake; "Witches were burned in Salem"
- 火あぶりの刑にする
- burn
- spend (significant amounts of money); "He has money to burn"
- (かなりの量のお金)を費やす
- burn
- feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"
- 熱いか痛いと感じる
- cauterise, cauterize, burn
- 焦がす, 燃す, 灯る, 焼灼, 点る, 燃える, 火照る, 燃やす, 焦げる
- burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent; "The surgeon cauterized the wart"
- 熱した鉄、電流または腐食剤を使用することで(組織)を燃やす、焦がす、または凍らせる
- sunburn, burn
- get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun
- 太陽への過度の露出で日焼けをする
- cut, burn
- 焼く
- create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"
- データをコピーすることによって、作成する
- burn off, burn up, burn
- 燃す, 燃やす
- use up (energy); "burn off calories through vigorous exercise"
- (エネルギーを)使い果たす
- burn
- 焦がす, 燃す, 灯る, 点る, 燃える, 火照る, 燃やす, 焦げる, 焼ける
- burn with heat, fire, or radiation; "The iron burnt a hole in my dress"
- 熱、火または放射線による火傷
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